The thoughts we have
as Christian wives and moms are very similar to some of the same thoughts as
our friends. I was reminded of this while having lunch with a Christian friend
who said, "Sometimes I wish my husband didn't come home."
Why are so many Christian
women struggling in their marriages and why is the divorce rate still high in
the Christian community? I do not know all the answers, but I know that we need
to do something. If it means me writing a blog so that other women can freely
express their fears and pain, then I am happy to do so.

According to a Huffington Post (2009)
article, "since 1972, women's overall level of happiness has dropped, both
relative to where they were forty years ago, and relative to men." It goes
on to state that by the time women reach age forty-seven, they are, overall,
less happy with their life than men, and the trend continues on down from
there. More recently, The Austin Institute did a study and found that there are
more unhappy married women than unhappy men.
So you are asking what
does unhappiness have to do with hating our husbands? According to a New York Post, it has
everything to do with why we hate our husbands. Now, more mothers are
breadwinners who still head home to clean, cook, help with homework and have forgettable
sex with their husbands. Why would we not be unhappy?
Fox news blames a
woman’s unhappiness on taking the lead in marriage. Lou Dobbs stated, “A rise in
female breadwinners is "concerning and troubling," suggestive of
"society dissolv[ing] around us." There may be numerous reasons
for a woman’s unhappiness but blaming the woman does not solve the issues we
are facing.
I must admit that my
feelings toward my husband are not that different from my friend who wishes her
husband did not come home. Every time I discuss my unhappiness with other
Christian women, they just say that things will get better and provide me with
endless scriptures. Instead of only providing you with scriptures I also want
to give you some practical steps that can be taken to improve the way we feel
toward our spouses.
- Write down the positive things about your husband on a note card and refer to it every day!
- Pray for him every day! This is something I stopped doing and need to start doing again. (Philippians 1:6, Psalm 119:73, Psalm 37:23,1 Corinthians 1:3).
- When the time is right, discuss your concerns with your husband (the time is never right when you are having an argument).
- Seek counseling and to be fair to your husband, avoid receiving counseling from your local pastor. Seek out a counselor who is objective.
you have other suggestions please share it with us. I look forward to reading
your comments. You can find all my link ups for the week here.