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As I dealt
with my son’s epic temper tantrum over buckling his seat belt, I asked myself,
“why me? Why did you give me such a difficult child?” I must admit that day I
was tired of life and exhausted but it was how I felt in that moment.
If you are
reading this blog, more than likely you are struggling through the challenges
we face while raising ADD/ADHD kids. There are no definite answers and
solutions to ADHD. Having no definite solutions makes the disease difficult to
comprehend, especially in the Christian community where ADHD is considered
taboo. This blog is to provide you with encouragement through scripture. There are five scriptures I lean on each week
to make it through the day (the name in red is my son’s). I look forward to
connecting through our link ups this week.
I praise you because Elijah is fearfully and wonderfully
made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalms 139: 14
who began a good work in Elijah will be faithful to complete it.
1: 6
I formed Elijah in the womb I knew him, and before Elijah was born I consecrated him; I appointed him a prophet to the nations.”
Jer. 1:5
God created Elijah in his own image, in the image of God he created Elijah. Gen 1: 27
5. And I will make Elijah a great
nation, and I will bless him and make his name great, so that he will be a
blessing. Genesis 12:2
Please feel
free to share your stories and ways you cope.
There are
no definite answers and solutions to ADD/ADHD but together we can support each
other through the dark allies and down the lonely roads.